Short Stories

A Beautiful Nightmare

A Beautiful Nightmare appearing in Trenchcoats, Towers, and Trolls (Punked Up Fairy Tales, #3), 

Edited by Rhonda Parrish

What do you get when you take the high tech/low life settings of cyberpunk and sprinkle them with the magic and possibilities of fairy tales?

Trolls under teleportation bridges, masquerades held in virtual reality, princely avatars, giants and dwarves alongside hackers and androids.

From retellings of traditional tales such as Rumpelstiltskin, in which a young woman is tasked with writing code instead of spinning gold, to original tales like the changeling-inspired story of a formless machine intelligence that hijacks human bodies, these cyberpunk fairy tales form a unique collection that is sure to satisfy connoisseurs of both genres.

Original stories from Thomas Badlan, Suzanne Church, Beth Goder, Sarah Van Goethem, Nicola Kapron, V.F. LeSann, Angus McIntyre, Wendy Nikel, Ana Sun, Michael Teasdale, Alena Van Arendonk and Laura VanArendonk Baugh.

You can read a longer excerpt here:,_Towers,_and_Trolls.html

Information for where to purchase online, available on the World Weaver Press website
and also available as an ebook

More information on Goodreads

Sarah Van Goethem is a Canadian Author who resides in Southwestern Ontario. She weaves that memorable enchantment into her own short stories & novels.